
Mon été francais

They say France is the country of love, art, and pleasure. During the summer I wanted to find out whether the country lives up to these expectations. My goal was not only to visit specific destinations but to appreciate and enjoy the journey itself. I longed for new inspirations, impressions, and adventures. Therefore I embarked on a journey through France to discover the people and their culture.

I will tell you right away that this trip was an incredibly special experience. The memories I made during this trip are incredibly precious to me and also valuable to me as an interior designer as my job is to transform spaces into individual habitats.

The most precious item I packed for this trip was time and I gave myself the freedom of using it generously during every part of the trip. Therefore I made the conscious decision to avoid big highways and explore the beautiful villages and the expanses of the French countryside instead. The diversity of each region really impressed me and those who only expect vineyards thoroughly underestimate the variety of landscapes this country has to offer. French agriculture is incredibly diverse and provides a large variety of products depending on which region you are travelling through. Agriculture plays a vital role in the French economy and culture which also explains why French cuisine is regarded as one of the best in the entire world. Here is the story of my French summer:


The first stop of our trip was Strasbourg. The city embodies the diversity and cultural richness of Europe and is a central place where Europe’s leaders come together to discuss the future of the continent as a whole. The city is a symbol of unity and cooperation and is the home of the European Parliament. Here the representatives of each European country come together to make important decisions for the entire EU. The city is also home to the Council of Europe, an organization, which focuses on topics such as human rights, democracy, and protecting constitutional values. The council is of vital importance to securing the values of Europe.

Strasbourg lies within the region of Alsace which is strongly influenced by both French and German culture. This cultural diversity is reflected in the architecture, cuisine, and mentality of the city. The historic old town is part of the UNESCO World Heritage and famous for its well-preserved medieval houses and its gothic cathedral which was once the highest building in the entire world. Strasbourg has always been disputed between France and Germany. This dispute has left its influence on the city and the role it plays in the relationship between the two countries. Because of its proximity to the German border both German and French are spoken in Strasbourg. This is reflected in the education and the culture of the city.

Pochey in Burgundy

On arrival in the Burgundy region, we were met with endless vineyards. A wine-tasting tour was essential for us to explore the diversity within the many wines the region produces.

Apart from the breathtaking landscapes we also explored the small village of Beane which is famous for its many wine cellars and medieval appearance.

Marvejols in Occitania

Our journey continued into the region of Occitania where we visited Marvejols. The natural beauty of the region was breathtaking. We hiked through the undulating valleys and savoured the tranquillity of the surrounding landscape.

The town of Marvejols provides a fascinating history and a charming old town.


Toulouse is known as “La Ville Rose” (The pink town) and welcomed us with its pink brick buildings. We walked through the vibrant old town and visited the impressive Capitole de Toulouse.

The city is a crucial hub for the aviation and aerospace industries and houses the Cité de l'Espace a fascinating aerospace museum.


Our journey continued onwards towards the Mediterranean sea where we arrived in Marseille, the oldest city in France. The old port, Vieux-Port, was a vibrant und busy place where we experienced the Mediterranean atmosphere.

We also explored the district of Le Panier where we enjoyed many traditional foods of the Provence including the famous Bouillabaisse, a delicious fish soup.

Mougins on the Côte d'Azur

The last part of our trip led us along the Côte d'Azur to Mougins a village with a rich and vibrant art scene. We visited the Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins and let ourselves be inspired by the exhibited works. The Mediterranean cuisine served by the local restaurants was truly incredible and we were spoiled by the beauty of our surroundings.

Our journey through France was an unforgettable experience which showed us the country’s charm and diversity. From the romance of Alsace to the serenity of the Mediterranean coast – France enchanted us at every stop along our journey. This trip was not only a simple vacation but a journey which deepened our love for this wonderful country.

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